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Koby and Swetha

This is us.
Est. July 05, 2020! This website is a tribute to one of the biggest things that have helped bring this very handsome man and me together. Slasher Movies! These movies on this timeline started on a small list that he made on his phone because I had not watched any of these movies. This is a list we have been working on since very early on in our relationship.
I hope this may bring some kind of connection between you and your close ones!
This has been something that has brought me and friends together too. There is nothing like a little scare to bring people together!
The terrifying Quizzes you probably tried to beat were created by this handsome devil. These movies, as hard to believe, were his childhood. He loves his horror movies. Sharing this part of our lives with the world is not easy because we both are very private people. But this seemed like an excellent reason to open up the doors into a small part of our lives.
I don’t know what it is about these movies. Something about everyone anxious to figure out who the next victim is or who the killer really is or even what just might happen next. I don’t know, maybe going through intense experiences together builds stronger bonds. It’s crazy to think watching these fictional slasher films is a big part of a culture we have built and love. A culture that brings us together. A culture to bring fear back into our lives without putting people actually in harm's way. We love the adrenaline rush we get from trying to work out these mysteries and find out what’s going to happen.
More Information to come.